The Senior Academy at IU Indianapolis has established a scholarship program designed to partially support tuition and books for seniors who demonstrate high achievement and who expect to graduate with a baccalaureate degree at the end of the Spring Semester.

Amount: Up to $3,000 for the academic year

Deadline: April 1

Apply through the IU Indianapolis Scholarship Office(opens in new tab) External Link . A. E. T, R2*

Criteria and Selection

Applications will be reviewed and the awardee selected by the Senior Academy Scholarship Awards Committee.


  1. Must be in good academic standing at IU Indianapolis,
  2. Must have successfully completed at least 90 credit hours prior to the semester the student is to receive funding,
  3. Must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 on a 4.00 scale, and,
  4. Must agree to enroll during the fall-spring semesters for the number of credit hours required to graduate at the end of the spring semester, but no less than a total of 20 credit hours during the year.

The applicant must also submit two letters of recommendation from current or former college level instructors and complete an essay on academic goals and how goals are being achieved, about community service, and about plans after receiving the baccalaureate degree.

The review committee expects a serious, well thought out discussion of the applicant’s future academic goals and future plans. Applications without careful attention to the essay requirement will not rank highly. Work experience, including research if applicable and community service are carefully considered by the review committee as well.

*A = Application, T = Transcripts, E = Essay, R2 = Two letters of recommendation.

Students must apply through the IU Indianapolis Office of Student Scholarships.

Click here to access the Office of Student Scholarships application.(opens in new tab) External Link

(revised February 2019)